100+ clients delighted with our services
Whether it is NGOs, social start-ups or resesarch institutions, we are there for you.
Together with our industry partners, we make every project a success.
Our TCC solution approach


The training of our consultants is so important to us because we believe that organizations need responsible leaders to be successful in the long term. In various workshops and lectures we want to impart important skills.


Together with our clients, we work
on their strategic direction. Our consultants can apply the skills they have learnt directly to the project and thus develop quickly. Our clients benefit from our innovative and sustainable solutions.


We want to show our consultants what meaningful job profiles exist. Charitable organizations have direct access to a network of highly talented students who strive for an impact-oriented profession.
Comprehensive project experience
In the past 8 years we have successfully completed more than 150 consulting projects in various fields, including environment, health, education, digitalization, logistics, and social affairs.
Interdisciplinary teams
Our interdisciplinary project teams consist of four outstanding and committed students at Munich’s top universities.
Professional support
The project teams are supported in their work by experienced consulting directors from 180DC and mentors from the consulting industry.
Strong network
We maintain close relationships with universities, management consultancies and organizations in the public interest and offer a platform for profitable exchange.
What our clients say about 180DC Munich
Frequently asked questions
Does the consulting service cost my organization anything?

We at 180 Degrees Consulting see ourselves as social consultants – this means that we do not work for monetary incentives. That’s why we don’t charge daily rates. We only have to bill a small contribution to cover our own costs, but this is out of proportion to the consulting services we provide.

How many consulting hours does a project consist of?

That’s hard to say in general terms. Since our consultants spend an average of 10 hours a week and there is a team of four, we can generally assume that the team will spend around 400 to 500 hours on the project.

My organization is not in Munich. Can I still be advised?

Of course you can! We regularly carry out projects with partners who do not come from the Munich region. We have already successfully completed numerous nationwide and international projects (e.g. South Africa, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka). We are looking forward to your message!

Which topics do you deal with?

In our projects we work together on tailor-made solutions for strategic challenges. We have extensive experience in consulting fields such as financing, marketing, business development and social impact measurement.

When should I contact you?

The sooner the better! It is a good idea to contact us a few months before the start of the semester so that all further steps can be planned and carried out precisely. Finally, it is important for us to define a relevant question and the concrete scope of the project in order to be able to advise you with the greatest success!


Our Consulting Directors are happy to provide more information and answer any questions!
Claudia Ginés
Consulting Director
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